Juvenile delinquency can be widely seen in a country like India. Many youngsters around the world get involved with a grown-up formal equity framework. Ordinarily, these kids are the ones who are facing financial issues, so these kids who are helpless and penniless face greater danger of sexual misuse, trafficking etc. Be that as it may, for kids in struggling with law, the long trial procedures of captures can crush their whole adolescence, as a result, many of them are decreased to low odds of restoration and joining the society.
Juvenile Justice System
A juvenile is a young person who isn’t yet mature enough to be regarded as a grown-up. Juvenile Justice manages the treatment of such kids who are in the struggle with the law and furthermore takes a look at the main drivers of culpable conduct and measures to avert such conduct.
Aims of Juvenile Justice
1. The primary objective of this system is to focus on the prevention of crimes and injustice
done to the juveniles.
2. It is based on the rights of the child.
3. It applies the principle of restorative justice ie. To restore the balance of a position disturbed by crime rather than merely meting out punishment.
4. This system puts the best interest of the child first.
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is the association of a kid who is in between the age group of 10 and 17 in an illegal activity or behaviour. Adolescent misconduct is also used to refer to youngsters who show constant conduct or suspiciousness or noncompliance, to be considered out of parental control, getting to be simply subject to legitimate activity by the court framework. Juvenile delinquency is also known as “Juvenile offending”, and each state has a separate legal system in place to deal with juveniles who break the law[1].
Who are Juvenile Delinquents?
Juvenile delinquents are ordinary youngsters between the ages of 10 and 17 who have carried out a criminal activity. There are two principal sorts of guilty parties:
1. Rehash wrongdoers – Rehash guilty parties are otherwise called “life-course constant wrongdoers.” These adolescent delinquents start culpable or hinting at other solitary conduct amid pre-adulthood. Rehash guilty parties keep on engaging in criminal exercises or forceful practices even after they enter adulthood[2].
2. Age-particular guilty parties – Age-Specific Offenders indicate adolescent reprobate conduct starts amid youthfulness2. Not at all like the rehash wrongdoers, in any case, the practices of the age-particular guilty party close before the minor turns into a group-up. The practices that an adolescent shows amid youthfulness is frequently a decent marker of the kind of guilty party he will progress towards becoming. While age-specific offenders leave their delinquent behaviour behind when they enter adulthood, they often have more mental health problems, engage in substance abuse, and have greater financial problems than adults who were never delinquent as juveniles[3].
In the case of Gopinath Ghosh VS. State of West Bengal, the accused had given his age as much above the cut-off age prescribed for being a child. However, in this case, the court not only allowed the plea of child status to be raised for the first time but also referred the matter to the sessions judge for a determination of the age of the accused. Approving this approach, the Supreme Court in Rajinder Chandra VS. State of Chhattisgarh, further laid down that the standard of proof for age determination is the degree of probability and not proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Risk Factors
Several kids end up noticeably adolescent delinquents early, often between the ages of 6 and 12 years. Several adolescent practices amidst the pre-high schooler and young years might be regarded as common conduct for kids, as they extend their limits, and struggle to make up their self-discretion. There are, in any case, certain indications that a child may be going an awful way.
Signs of adolescent misconducts may show up as ahead of schedule as preschool, and frequently include:
Abnormal or moderate advancement of essential abilities, for example, discourse and dialect[4].
Chronic infringement of the principles.
Serious forceful conduct towards different understudies or instructors.
Studies have revealed that various life conditions comprise chance elements for a youngster to end up visibly an adolescent reprobate. While these are several and changed, the generally well-known hazard factors for adolescent misconduct include:
Authoritarian Parenting – Characterized by the use of harsh disciplinary methods, and refusal to justify disciplinary actions, other than by saying “because I said so.”
Peer Association – Usually resulting from leaving adolescents unsupervised, encouraging a child to engage in bad behaviours when acting with his peer group.
Low Socio-economic status – Because of low socio-economic status and conditions, adolescents tend to engage in illegal activities.
Permissive Parenting – Characterized by lack of consequences for bad behaviour, permissive parenting can be broken down two subcategories:
Neglectful parenting, which is the lack of monitoring of a child's activities.
Indulgent parenting, which is the enablement of bad behaviour5.
Poor School Performance
Peer Rejection
ADHD and other mental disorders.
Apprentices Act of 1850
It was the initial legislation which was passed in the colonial period for dealing with children who had done something in conflict with the law[5]. According to this act, the children who have committed some petty offences shall not be sent to prison but to treat them as apprentices ie. a person who is undergoing a course training in industry or under any establishment[6].
Indian Constitution
Article 15(3), Article 39 clause (e) and (f), Article 45 and 47, force an essential duty of guaranteeing the necessities of kids and of securing their fundamental Human Rights[7].
Juvenile Justice Act, 1986
Truth be told the aboriginal speculation on juvenile justice has been remaining informed regarding the worldwide patterns in this field. With the reception of the United Nations basic minimum rules for the organization of the Juvenile Justice, India was the leading nation to advance its framework in the light of the principles formulated in that. Obviously, substitute targets were to lay down a uniform lawful structure for Juvenile Justice, to give towards a precise approach towards the remedial action and control of adolescent misconduct, to spell out the apparatus and outline for Juvenile Justice operations, to build up standards and measures for the body of Juvenile Justice, to create proper associations and coordination between the formal framework and deliberate offices and to constitute exclusive offenses in connection to adolescents and to commend discipline thereof.
Keeping in mind the end goal to realize this objective, the Act absorbs up the basic components of all the due processes and involved models. The new law without a doubt poses a difficult obligation on the state to accurately outfit the assets from different portions of financial advancement in ensuring the prosperity and welfare of adolescents and an opportunity to recover from the struggle they got through[8].
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000
The Juvenile Justice Act 1986 required that the previous framework that ran around the execution of the then accessible Children's Acts be reconstructed. Be that as it may, because of non-appearance of national accord on the time span for such a reconstruction, the means taken by a large segment of the State Governments were still deeply shy of the declared objectives. So as to support and institutionalize the approach towards adolescent equity with regards to the noteworthy arrangements of the Constitution of India and International commitments in such manner, the Government of India re-enacted the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of the Children) Act, 2000[9]. For this, a working committee was set up and the Act has been implemented since April 1, 2001, to manage the youngsters inside its domain.
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014
Adolescent Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 means to succeed the existing Indian adolescent misconduct law i.e., Adolescent Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, with the objective that adolescent criminals in the age gathering of 16-18 can be tried as grown-ups for the genuine offences. It was passed on 7th May 2015 by the Lok Sabha consistently and it is currently pending in the Rajya Sabha. Adolescent Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 will enable the Juvenile Justice Board, which consists of analysts and sociologists, to choose whether an adolescent criminal in the age group of 16-18 should attempt as a grown-up or not. The bill offered ideas from the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption, 1993 which were absent in the past demonstration[10]. The bill likewise tries to influence the selection of the procedure of stranded, deserted, and surrendered kids in a more streamlined manner[11].
Formulation of Minimum Standards
National Commission for Children
Strategy for Change
Special Training Programme
Sports and Functional Programmes
Education and Schooling
Courses and Seminars
Providing Assistance
Children are all around us. They represent about a fourth of the world's population. They are not equipped to stand up for themselves; they must depend on what is given to them. They are victims of conditions. They bring us joy, they bring us tears, and they are our reason to hope. They are your children; they are my children, and they are the children of the world. In India one will find children starving for food, begging on the streets, robbed of basic necessities of life and such children amount to almost half of the total children in the country. Now is the time when the interference of the State is necessary for such matters.
[2] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[3] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[5] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[6] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[7] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[8] “Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 - Wikipedia” (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 - Wikipedia, June 4, 2015),_2000
[9] “Juvenile Delinquency in India” (iPleaders, May 30, 2019)
[10] “Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 – Suggestions « AIFTP” (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 – Suggestions « AIFTP)
[11] “Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 – Suggestions « AIFTP” (Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2014 – Suggestions « AIFTP)
This article is written by Shashank Chawathe of IFIM LAW SCHOOL.